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Vol. 108 2024 Issue 3 (may/June)

Banking on Community

Banking On Community

Alliance Bank, Francesville, donated more than $100,000 to area nonprofits in 2023 – a record high for the institution. Bank employees also reported nearly 1,000 hours of volunteer service. Leadership focuses the bank’s donations on organizations that share the bank’s interests in agriculture and community development but support other organizations as well. The bank celebrated the milestone in March 2024 by handing out fun-size 100 Grand candy bars to clients and community partners.

Alliance Bank started 2024 with a $1,500 donation to the White County Veterans Service Office from the bank’s Casual for a Cause Program. (from left: bankers Tiffany Delph, Kim Steele, Kim Shidler, Tara Garling and Catie Diener; Nathan Baker, White County Veterans Service Office; Secretary Sharon Wehner; and banker Alana Baker)
Olivia Weaver, relationship banker, holds a 100 Grand candy bar, which the bank gave away to clients and community partners in early 2024 in celebration of the bank donating a record $100,000 in 2023.

Centier Bank, Merrillville, donated a combined $8,500 to two organizations in the first quarter of 2024. The first $7,500 went to TradeWinds Services as part of an annual corporate sponsorship commitment. TradeWinds is a Merrillville-based agency serving individuals with disabilities across all age groups, providing family support, skills training and various learning opportunities aimed at enhancing self-sufficiency and overall wellbeing. Another $1,000 went to Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation in support of upcoming community events, including two lunch and learn sessions focused on health and wellness, and the sensory-friendly Adaptive 5K race experience.

Members of Centier Bank’s Celebrating Abilities Network Associate Resource Group gathered with representatives from TradeWinds Services Inc. for a facility tour and check presentation in late February.
Centier Bank representatives presented a $1,000 check to representatives of the Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation department in March 2024 in support of upcoming community events.

Community Bank of Indiana, Kokomo, in the first quarter of this year, celebrated $1 million in total donations to the communities it serves since opening in 2003. Each of the bank’s eight branches presented $1,000 to an organization its employees selected, including Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County, Meals on Wheels of Hamilton County, the Humane Society for Hamilton County, the Westfield Youth Assistance Program, Brooke’s Place, Coordinated Assistance Ministries, the Family Service Association of Howard County and the Kokomo Humane Society. The cumulative $8,000 donations were given away on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1. The donations, along with the opening of its newest branch in Fishers on Feb. 5, marked the end of its 20th-anniversary celebrations that began in February 2023.

First Bank Richmond announced more than $350,000 in community contributions spanning 14 organizations in the second half of 2023, including:

  • A Better Way Organization – $4,000: event sponsorships
  • Animal Care Alliance – $3,500: trap-neuter return program
  • Bethany Seminary – $20,000: second installment of multi-year annual pledge
  • Boys and Girls Club of Wayne County – $85,000: $60,000 annual pledge for First Bank Location and $25,000 for annual corporate gift
  • Communities in Schools – $6,000: annual contribution
  • Golay Community Center – $2,500: annual contribution
  • Hayes Arboretum – $28,400: second installment of multi-year annual pledge
  • Hope House – $5,000: second installment of multi-year annual pledge
  • Ivy Tech Community College – $10,000: fifth installment of $100K video wall pledge
  • IU East – $57,500: $37,500 for sixth installment of $375,000 pledge and $20,000 for fifth installment of $100,000 College NOW Program pledge
  • Richmond High School Athletics – $3,250: annual sponsorship gymnasium banner and golf tournament
  • Richmond Symphony Orchestra – $25,000: $10,000 first chair sponsor, $10,000 signature event sponsor and $5,000 contribution
  • Wayne County government – $100,000: second installment of multi-year annual pledge
  • Wayne County Special Olympics – $3,000: event sponsorships

The bank donated more than $674,000 in total to local not-for-profit organizations in 2023, and half of the bank’s staff served on at least one board or committee.

First Bank Richmond pledged to give $100,000 as $10,000 donations each year for 10 years for their large video wall.

North Salem State Bank’s annual food drive collected 2,000 donations across its nine locations in January, on top of the $8,500 worth of food and household items contributed by the bank itself. The drive is meant to alleviate the burden faced by many local residents in Hendricks, Putnam and Boone counties every January and February.

Representatives from North Salem State Bank stand outside the bank’s operations center in Avon with some of the contributions collected from customers and donated by the bank in January 2024.

United Fidelity Bank, Evansville, sponsored the Deaconess HeartSaver’s 10th anniversary Wonka Golden Ticket Luncheon on Feb. 8. The Deaconess Heart Hospital and Deaconess Foundation’s HeartSaver work to increase the number of on-hand AEDs in the Evansville area, including southwestern Indiana, southern Illinois and western Kentucky, to help save lives and reduce the number of sudden cardiac deaths. To date, 15 documented saves have taken place because of these devices, including bank President & CEO Don Neel. The organizations have placed more than 750 AEDs since they began the initiative with another 35 coming available soon, but there is still a waitlist of more than 115.

Don Neel (center), United Fidelity Bank president & CEO, along with HeartSaver Committee members.

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