May 2, 2024

How Financial Advisors Should Be Thinking About Tech in 2024

How Financial Advisors Should Be Thinking About Tech in 2024

As artificial intelligence, big data and automation expand their reach across finance, many financial institutions and their advisors continue grappling with how to integrate emerging technologies into their service offerings, not only within investment services but throughout the financial institution. With new innovations arriving rapidly, some still view technology as more of a distraction than an advantage. However, by embracing it strategically, institutions and their advisors can utilize technology to deliver greater value in 2024 and strengthen client relationships for the long term.

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Things Change: Use a Company That Keeps Up With That Change

Things Change: Use a Company That Keeps Up With That Change

With the recent changes to Indiana’s flood maps, it is important to have the peace of mind that your real estate loans have the appropriate flood insurance coverage. Using a flood determination provider that stays on top of all map changes is imperative, providing you with the confidence that your collateral is properly insured. There is no room for errors when it comes to flood determinations and insurance.

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The Power of Integrated Marketing Campaigns in Serving Industry Sectors

The Power of Integrated Marketing Campaigns in Serving Industry Sectors

Indiana’s agricultural heritage is deeply rooted, with farms and agribusinesses playing a pivotal role in the state’s economy. The state ranks high in the production of corn, soybeans, hogs and poultry, making it a key player in the nation’s agricultural landscape. Additionally, agribusinesses such as food processing, equipment manufacturing, and agricultural research and education further bolster the industry’s impact.

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Hold On! Bank Loan Quality Doesn’t Align with Wall Street Metrics

Hold On! Bank Loan Quality Doesn’t Align with Wall Street Metrics

Well . . . at least not in real time.
I recently heard a senior lending officer proclaim, with obvious relief, “Looks like we’ve dodged the recession bullet. We’re refocusing on loan growth opportunities.” The Fed-orchestrated “soft landing” is, of course, what our industry desires, but history clearly warns that it can take years before

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It’s Time to Enhance Your Contingency Funding Plan

It’s Time to Enhance Your Contingency Funding Plan

The financial crisis of 2008 brought a slew of new banking regulations and guidance – more specifically, guidance related to best practices for liquidity risk management. As loan-related asset quality problems occurred during that crisis, many institutions were left in a less-than-desirable liquidity position. As a result, many of their off-balance sheet or contingent liquidity sources became impaired or unavailable as asset quality problems were severe enough to negatively impact their earnings and capital positions. The lack of access to readily available secondary liquidity sources left many banks scrambling for balance sheet funding. The need for a comprehensive, well-developed contingency funding plan (CFP) that sufficiently addresses potential liquidity events and emergency cash flow requirements soon became a regulatory requirement.

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The Real Losers in the Reg II Fight

In 2010, the Durbin amendment was dropped into Dodd-Frank in the dead of night. Without so much as a hearing, the government imposed restrictions and price controls on debit cards and connected checking accounts. Bankers warned that mega-retailers would not pass on any savings at the checkout, and that bank customers would ultimately foot the bill in lost rewards. Both predictions have proven true, but for reasons clear only to the Federal Reserve, the government is poised to double down on this misguided policy with another 30% cut in debit interchange followed by an automatic biannual adjustment. This “one-way ratchet” will continue to hack away at debit programs every two years based on data and a formula of the Fed’s choosing, without public comment.

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Rebeca Romero Rainey

Putting the Person in Personalized Marketing

When it comes to community bank marketing, it’s about the person, not the product. As relationship bankers, the client connection drives community bank decisions around solutions, promotions and outreach. Through every communication, community banks seek to deepen their customer ties, not merely sell them on the next big thing.

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2024 Legislative Session Summary

2024 Legislative Session Summary

The 2024 Indiana Legislative Session was highlighted by passing bills to improve reading skills, make childcare more accessible and enhance water infrastructure while deferring more contentious matters such as Medicaid, education, taxes and roads until next year. Lawmakers said before the session began that they planned to take a more measured approach this year, shelving some more controversial proposals, in part so they could condense the usual 11-week “short session” timeframe to just nine weeks. Lawmakers succeeded in that regard, adjourning sine die late Friday, March 8, one week earlier than scheduled after starting a week later.

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