Financial Management

How Financial Advisors Should Be Thinking About Tech in 2024

How Financial Advisors Should Be Thinking About Tech in 2024

As artificial intelligence, big data and automation expand their reach across finance, many financial institutions and their advisors continue grappling with how to integrate emerging technologies into their service offerings, not only within investment services but throughout the financial institution. With new innovations arriving rapidly, some still view technology as more of a distraction than an advantage. However, by embracing it strategically, institutions and their advisors can utilize technology to deliver greater value in 2024 and strengthen client relationships for the long term.

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Forbearance Agreements

The Benefits of a Timeout

When facing a loan default, the fundamental question for lenders is whether to exercise their remedies against the borrower and/or guarantors (collectively, “obligors”) or to pursue a settlement (workout). A forbearance agreement is a workout tool — a temporary settlement agreement. What is a Forbearance? Black’s Law Dictionary defines forbearance as the “act of abstaining

Forbearance Agreements

The Benefits of a Timeout

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Understanding the Tax Treatment of Discount Municipal Bonds

In a rising rate environment, bonds priced at a discount become more prevalent. Therefore, it is imperative that municipal bond investors consider the tax implications of purchasing municipal bonds at a discount. Discounts that occur in the secondary market are known as “market discounts.” Those that occur at issuance are known as “original issue discounts.”

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