Compliance Connection

Operations & Technology: Branch Closings

Requirements and Nuances

Regardless of a bank’s regulator or state jurisdiction, there are certain notice requirements that apply when a bank plans to close a branch under Section 42 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.* For any closure subject to Section 42, the bank must provide 90 days prior written notice of any branch closing to its primary Federal regulator as well as to all branch customers, as well as a notice physically posted at the branch site at least 30 days before the intended date of closure to be in compliance with Section 42.

Operations & Technology: Branch Closings

Requirements and Nuances

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Compliance Connection: Deceptive Marketing

Question: Recently, we have received several calls from customers confused by mailers appearing to be from our bank, advising them they needed to call a customer service number that was, in fact, that of a non-bank mortgage broker that we have no relationship or affiliation with. Does Indiana law prevent deceptive marketing like this? Answer:

Compliance Connection: Deceptive Marketing Read More »