Vol. 108 2024 No. 5

GR Summit: Regional Meetings: New Look, Same Mission

This year, IBA’s Regional Meetings are getting a significant overhaul. Building on last year’s meetings, the IBA Government Relations team has introduced several new features to enhance this key element of our grassroots program. The revamped meetings will offer fresh, valuable content for both members and legislators, ensuring every participant gains meaningful insights and connections.

We are excited to announce that Tom Fite, director of the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions, will attend each meeting. Director Fite will provide an insightful update on the state of banking in Indiana, covering current industry forces and key regulatory areas. His expertise on the banking sector’s challenges and opportunities will be invaluable to all attendees, offering a comprehensive look at the trends and issues shaping our industry today.

In addition to Director Fite’s presentation, we have invited an economic development expert familiar with the local markets of each meeting location. These experts will give attendees valuable insights into market trends, important projects and other relevant economic development initiatives in their regions. This segment will highlight key development projects, investment opportunities and policy initiatives driving growth and change in each area.

We will also present a brief IBA update on current events and key policy initiatives, covering recent legislative developments, regulatory changes and other critical issues impacting the banking industry in Indiana. We will discuss the IBA’s ongoing advocacy efforts and how members can get involved. This update is an excellent opportunity for attendees to stay informed about the latest happenings and understand how the IBA is working to support their interests at the state and national levels.

Another significant change this year is the timing and location of the meetings. Each meeting will now take place in mid-November, aiming to provide a more convenient time for legislators to participate and engage with our members after the election. This change reflects our commitment to making these meetings as productive and impactful as possible. Please see the exact dates listed in the box on the next page.

Additionally, we have streamlined the number of meetings from eight last year to five this year. This consolidation allows us to focus our resources and efforts on delivering high-quality content and ensuring each meeting is well-attended and effective. We have carefully selected the locations to provide broad geographic coverage, making it easy for members across the state to attend.

Despite these changes, the mission of the IBA Regional Meetings remains unchanged. These meetings continue to provide member bankers with the opportunity to connect with their local legislators in a relaxed setting, fostering relationship-building and open dialogue. As a hallmark of IBA grassroots engagement, these meetings are successful only with your participation. We encourage you to prioritize attending, as they offer a unique opportunity to influence policy, network with peers and gain valuable insights.

While the structure may feel different, we believe the revamped IBA Regional Meetings will be even more informative and impactful than ever before. With high-caliber speakers, a focus on relevant local issues and a strategic scheduling approach, we are confident these meetings will provide significant value to all participants. Please join us for what promises to be a highly engaging and productive series of meetings. Your involvement is crucial to the success of these events and the continued strength of our industry.

We look forward to seeing you there!

2024 Regional Meetings

Nov. 12 Fair Oaks – Farmhouse Restaurant

Nov. 13 Fort Wayne – Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano

Nov. 14 Evansville – Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano

Nov. 15 Jeffersonville – Upland Jeffersonville

Nov. 18 Indianapolis – Columbia Club

Dax Denton
Chief Policy Officer
Indiana Bankers Association

Dax joined the IBA in 2008 and, as of April 2023, also serves as executive director for the Indiana Mortgage Bankers Association. Away from the office, he serves on the Boy Scouts Crossroads of America Council Board. Dax graduated from Indiana University, the IBA Leadership Development Program and the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin.

Ross Teare
Vice President – Government Relations
Indiana Bankers Association

Ross joined the IBA in October 2021. He analyzes issues, reviews legislation, builds relationships with policymakers and enhances IBA’s grassroots advocacy. Ross also heads up the IBA’s BankLEAD internship program and efforts to grow banking programs at Indiana colleges. He graduated from Butler University and the IBA Leadership Development Program.

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